About Law Department

Faculty of Law was established in 2008 at two Departments of “the judiciary and prosecutors” and “public and private Laws” within the framework of the Kateb University in its central building and began its activities and has continued and conducted its teaching and research programs based on the approved curriculum framework by the Ministry of Higher Education and other laws and regulations and procedures of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. In 2011, Faculty of Law established its second branch in the University “Barchi” building in both mentioned departments. The Law School has five graduation periods and more than 600 students have graduated from the university with Bachelor degree. Later, Kateb University’s Master’s program at two majors of “Criminal Law and Criminology” and “international law” were established.

Law School Key Statistics

In 2015, 718 students enrolled in the Law School comprising 28.7% of the total student. In 2016, 120 new students registered in the university. Financially, the Law School comprised %21/89 of total revenue from the students. During the last nine years, the Law school has made significant achievements, the most important of which are as follows:

  1. Teaching elite and influential students of the country. Hundreds of these students are serving as judges, prosecutors, attorneys, and government officials, civil and other international institutions employees.
  2. publishing 7 law textbooks.
  3. publishing 12 research papers.
  4. technical and specialized teams entrance such as the “international commercial arbitration” in regional and international competitions.
  5. holding more than 12 seminars and scientific conferences.

In terms of organization, the university (School) Scientific Council consists of seven full-time faculty members and more than 40 visiting (adjunct) professors, serving under the Chairmanship of Law School manager and Law School is supervised by the university Teaching Department.

The Law School conducts its Administrative affairs through two office buildings located in Barchi building and university main building. In each office, an expert who is linked with other university departments performs the administrative work. The Law school has 8 classes in the central building and 12 classes in Barchi Center 8 with all educational resources at its access. The students can use all Kateb campus facilities like the library


Changing the school into a major center of Law education and knowledge production in the country and acquiring a worthy place among regional law schools.

Mission Statement

Law School missions are divided into two sections of “gaining the highest share in the development and promotion of Law and legal norms in the country” and “educating elite law students in the country”

  1. Gaining the highest share in the development and promotion of Law and legal norms in the country.
  2. Producing the most influential law texts both quantitatively and qualitatively. The texts not only meet the educational needs in the field of law, but also helps in the understanding of the rules and procedures of law at the national and international levels and creates legal doctrine in the country which can be used by judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other law activists.
  3. investigating the legal aspects of all political, economic, social, commercial and cultural problems at national and regional levels and offering solutions to solve them.
  4. conducting research and holding intensive and specialized programs in various areas of law.
  5. recruiting skilled experts and scientific elites as Research and Faculty members
  6. Promoting and developing the values of justice and freedom with a focus on gender and racial discrimination elimination, promoting the rule of law, fighting corruption and promoting racial and religious tolerance in the country.
  7. Promoting and developing human-centered morality and values and universal human rights and public freedoms.
  8. Making profits in order to help achieve financial stability and financial independence of universities.
  9. Educating elite law students in the country
  10. Educating and training students who are devoted, innovative, responsible and motivated.
  11. Educating and training elite students with excellent practical abilities in the field of judgement, prosecution, defense lawyer and legal services in the country. The students gain the necessary practical skills in all branches of law school listed in curriculum.
  12. Educating and training elite professionals with the ability to theorize the law. The students will be able to propose ideas in Criminal Law and Criminology, private law, constitutional law, human rights and international commercial law, Islamic law and jurisprudence and other branches of law, in accordance with national and international standards.
  13. Educating and training intellectuals. The students will be able to take a critical approach to Law and laws in the country by resorting to the general principles of Law such as justice, and try to reform and develop Law in the country with a different view.
The Five-year Goals of Law

The goals in five-year strategic plan have been identified as follows:

  1. Improving the quality and quantity of law education and promoting the Law core values
  2. Regular equipping and progressive developing of school facilities
  3. Increasing the vitality and motivation of students and involving them in university activities
  4. Conducting needs assessment and planning to start e-learning in the university
  5. Increasing administrative and financial autonomy in the university structure
  6. Improving the employees’ quality of living and tackling their problems
  7. Expanding interdisciplinary studies of law and other branches of science, especially humanities
  8. Funding professors’ and students’ research projects and granting scholarships to talented students
  9. Making profit through the research projects and other ways
  10. Attracting at least 250 students per year in all university orientations
  11. Planning and implementing concrete and effective programs for admitting students of different races and religions and enhancing communication among them with the aim of promoting ethnic and religious tolerance
  12. Ensuring teaching quality based on international education standards.
  13. Updating teaching methods continuously and progressively based on international standards.
  14. Coordinating the law school legal training and research with realities and needs of the country
  15. Creating Sharia Department for undergraduate level and increasing law department orientation in human rights and international trade for Master studies
  16. Having 15 faculty members different Law school majors and orientations
  17. Increasing the Faculty and staff capacity and quality growth and improving their scientific achievements in scientific papers and textbooks compilation
  18. Expanding the power and authority of the dean of the university and heads of department with regard to the principle of transparency and accountability
  19. Creating an administrative center for student affairs in the university
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