Message from Dean of the Faculty

Ibrahim Rezaei

The Law Faculty at Kateb University has gone through ups and downs since its establishment. Notably, the period from 2016 to 2023 has been of particular significance.

Starting in 2015, the Faculty of Law developed its first strategic plan with the vision of becoming the primary center of education and production of legal science in the country, aiming to achieve a prominent position among law faculties in the region. By the end of 2021, despite significant political changes in the country, the faculty made substantial progress toward this vision, achieving the third stage credit and gaining recognition as one of the most reputable faculties in the country. The establishment of a legal clinic, notable accomplishments in national and international competitions, obtaining licenses for master’s programs in criminal law, criminology, and international law, and the publication of the scientific and research journal Kateb are all evidence of the successful realization of the faculty’s initial five-year vision.

In 2022, the faculty formulated its second strategic plan, focusing on its vision to become an innovative and entrepreneurial institution. Despite the political changes of 2021, increased poverty in society, migration of young students, and shifting public perceptions of the field of law, the faculty has made significant strides toward achieving this new perspective. Obtaining a license for and launching a private law master’s program, obtaining a license and publishing a scientific research journal on law, and taking initial steps to create a jurisprudence and law program at the bachelor’s level are important measures undertaken by the faculty to realize this new vision. In the coming years, further development of the legal clinic and consulting services, as well as the establishment of a criminology institute, will bring the faculty closer to its vision.

It is important to acknowledge that all these successes are a result of the hard work of my colleagues at the Law Faculty. Undoubtedly, their efforts will yield benefits for the country and its future leaders. We anticipate witnessing further growth and development of the faculty on an even larger scale.

Ibrahim Rezaei

Dean of Law Faculty

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