Bachelor of Political Science


Bachelor or master’s in political science is the analysis of the fundamental problems within societies.

There are three major understandings one can have through an undergraduate political science program. First, it tells you about the operation and interaction of government. Second, it informs you about the impact of a country’s policies on economic stability and growth. Finally, it instructs about the effect law has on social and political changes. Politics influences every aspect of a citizen’s life including education, employment, healthcare and housing.

After getting a degree in political science, as a young politician, graduates will make decisions for the betterment of the society by participating in political debates and getting involved in the government. Other ways you can use a political science degree is to join NGOs and support causes to make a difference in the society or candid yourself individually and make your ideas and proposals be heard.

There are many fields of study offered in Political Science; such as, domestic politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public administration and public policy. Students at Kateb University study Political Science and Political Theory which are the study of contemporary theoretical perspectives such as constructivism, critical theory and postmodernism.

A Few Careers in Politics Include

In the context of Afghan Politics, political science graduates either choose to become a career politician or a political advisor.

Career Politician: If you manage to gather enough support for your ideas, you can run for a seat in the parliaments of Afghanistan (Wolesi Jirga or the Mishrano Jirga). But, first you will have to prove yourself and convince the public that you deserve their votes.

Political Advisor to Ministers, Deputy Ministers and The President of Afghanistan: Government officials do not make decisions on their own. They need advice from experts to make strategies for implementing political projects while also taking into account the impact of public perception.

Student Development Opportunities
Kateb Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies Center

Kateb Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies Center aims to study, research and work for Peace Building in Afghanistan. The Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies concept is widely known and appreciated by Universities around the world and is a good opportunity for cooperation among universities. Unlike the past, when only the countries in conflict or arbitrary states  were part of the peace building process, today, international organizations and the public play prominent role in peace building process.

Because educational and scientific institutions can play prominent role in peace building, the Political Science Department at Kateb University strives to be part of the activities to enhance the peace building process through national and international organizations and educational institutions.

Organizations such as the High Peace Council are established in the country to enhance the peace building process however these institutions have focused on practical aspects of peace building rather than its theoretical knowledge. In order to have access to sustainable peace, mechanisms that enhance the conflict resolution process and sustainable peace at most, we need to deeply study peace and conflict resolution itself. This is why the Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies center at Kateb University strives to enhance its network with the national and international research organizations in order to recognize the right platforms for research and support research ideas in the field.

Students from the political science department can become members of the Peace and Conflict Resolutions Studies. The center aims to build students’ capacity in order to be able to use the network and resources so that students can take part and initiate ideas for peace and conflict resolution studies and research. In that regards, research methodology workshops are also held for members.

Research Opportunities:

There are two different research options for students getting a degree in political science. Students can conduct independent research on their own and submit it to the Research Department for review and publication in the Kateb Scientific Research Journal or co-author or assist a professor writing a research article.

The KU Library:

Students can use the KU libraries equipped with books on different subject in both the Main Branch and the Barchi Branch. There are over 1010 books on political science and law for the use of students. Any student who has a library card and does not withhold any financial stops can use these books easily or borrow them for maximum period of one month.


Students Study a total of 140 credits including the final thesis which is a 6 credits course. In the first year, students take courses that are introductory and deliver the foundation of the political science, political thoughts and international relations programs. Along these, over the course of 4 years students also study subjects such as introduction to economics, management and law.

Financial Information for the years of 2018 – 2019

Fee structure has been divided into two categories; Barchi campus and main (Darul Aman) campus. Main campus is expected to cost higher because of lower discount amount offered. Each student is required to pay a predetermined amount of AFN 12,000 each semester throughout their degree program. Tuition fee of AFN 850 is charged per credit hour. Students may register for a minimum of 14 credit hours and maximum of 22 credit hours each semester.

Indiscriminate Discount

The undergraduate program offers a discount of 45% and 20% towards the total fees of each enrolled student each semester depending on which campus they study in. This amount applies to students who study full time at KU.

Fee Chart for the Years of 2018 – 2019
Barchi Branch Tuition Fees Structure
  1. Predetermined Fees: AFN 12,000
  2. Tuition Fees Per Credit Hour: AFN 850
  3. Discount Amount: 45%
Type of Fee Amount
Predetermined Fees 12000 AFN
Tuition Fees Per Credit Hour 850 AFN
Fee for 18 Credits 27300 AFN
Discount 45%
Fee Per Semester 15015 AFN
Total Annual Fee 30030 AFN
Main Branch Tuition Fees Structure
  1. Predetermined Fees: AFN 12,000
  2. Tuition Fees Per Credit Hour: AFN 850
  3. Discount Amount: 20%
Type of Fee Amount
Predetermined Fees 12000 AFN
Tuition Fees Per Credit Hour 850 AFN
Fee for 18 Credits 27300 AFN
Discount 20%
Fee Per Semester 21840 AFN
Total Annual Fee 43680 AFN
Majors Offered

Students have three options to choose their majors from at the Political Science Department; Political Science, Political Thoughts and International Relations.

In Political Science, students study subjects such as Politics and Governments in the Middle East, Indian Continent, Europe and America, Middle East and International Politics, Principles of Management, Introduction to Principles of Democracy, Diplomacy in Islam, General Philosophy, Administrative Law and et cetera.

In International Relations some of the subjects of study are History of International Relations, International Political Economics, Economic and Political Problems of the Third World, History of Afghanistan’s Foreign Relations, Classic Political Thoughts, Contemporary Political Thoughts, Foreign Policies of Afghanistan, International Relations Theories, Crisis Management and Political Sociology.

In Political Thoughts students study subjects, such as, the International Organizations, Political Innovation and Development, Contemporary Political Thoughts, Introduction to Political Thoughts in Islam, Diplomacy and Negotiation Techniques, Political Thoughts in Arab Continent and the Indian Continent, and Political Thoughts in the East.

Courses students take in first, second, third and fourth year consecutively are as below.

First Year:
Serial No. Course Name Prerequisite No. of Credits
1 Islamic Studies   2
2 General English 1   2
3 Dari 1   2
4 World General History   2
5 Political Science   2
6 Introduction to Law   2
7 Politics and Government in the Indian Subcontinent   2
8 Principles of International Relations 1   2
9 International Relations History 1   2
10 Islamic Studies (2) Islamic Studies 1 2
11 General English (2) General English 1 2
12 Dari Language (2) Dari Language 1 2
13 Introduction and Principles of Democracy   2
14 Afghanistan History   2
15 Introduction and Principles of Political Science   2
16 Political Science History   2

Second Year:

Serial No. Course Pre-requisite No. of Credits
1 Introduction to Computer   2
2 Human Rights   2
3 Government and Politics in the Middle East   2
4 History of Government Transformation in Islam   2
5 Classic Political Thoughts   2
6 Afghan Political Development   2
7 Principles of Foreign Policy Analysis   2
8 Research Methodology   2
9 Government and Politics in Europe   2
10 Diplomacy and Negotiation Techniques (Diplomatic and Consular)   2
11 Foundations of Political Thoughts in Islam   2
12 Constitutional Law of Afghanistan   2
13 Political Development in Afghanistan 2   2
14 Afghanistan and Neighboring Powers   2

Third Year:
Serial No. Course Pre-Requisite No. of Credits
1 Introduction to Economics   2
2 Research Methodology   2
3     2
4 Andeshe Mutafakiran Musalma n   2
5 Political Sociology   2
6 Contemporary Political Thoughts   2
7 General International Law   2
8 Foreign Policy and Influential Powers   2
9 Politics and Government in Central Asia   2
10     2
11 International Crisis Management   2
12 International Organizations   2
13 International Economic Policies   2
14 History of Afghanistan’s Foreign Relations   2
15 Political Sociology of Afghanistan   2
16 Contemporary Political Thoughts 2   2
Total     32

Fourth Year:
Serial No. Course Pre-requisite No. of Credits
1 Administrative Rights   2
2 New Theories in Political Science   2
3 Contemporary Military Strategies   2
4 Jahani Shudan   2
5 Modernization and Political Development   2
6 Political Thought in Islam   2
7  Comparative Politics   2
8 International Private Law   2
9 International Relation Theories   2
10 Introduction to Principles of Management   2
11 Afghanistan’s Foreign Policies   2
12 Afghanistan wa Qudrathai Buzurg   2
13 Contemporary Islamic Movements   2
14 Final Thesis   6
Updates in the Curriculum

Insecurity and instability has caused the peace building studies notion to be a most wanted one in the country. The Ministry of Higher Education also requires higher education institutions to include peace discussions in the Islamic Cultural Studies courses that shows the importance of peace studies in the country. After a thorough review of the curriculum, Kateb University has added a separate course named Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies in the elective courses.

Majors one can study for Graduate Studies

Students who get a bachelor’s degree in Political Science can further get a master’s degree in three subfields of Political Science as Comparative Politics, International Relations and Political Philosophy. Legal Code, Justice, Rights, Liberty, Peace and Conflict Studies, Interaction between nations are the subjects of focus in master’s degree in Political Science. The degree also intersects with subjects such as the Public Policy, Economics, Law, Psychology and Sociology.

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